Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All You Need Is Love Challenge!

 In celebration of the month of love Neely over at A Complete Waste of Makeup is hosting a challenge!
Late last night, I stumbled across this challenge over at My Life in the Making but was too tired to join in.
It looked like so much fun, however, that today I just couldn't resist!
Which of course means that I have to play catch-up just a teensy bit.
So, here's the Day 1 Topic is:
When I need some me time, I {LOVE} to...

Since I'm now a full-time housewife, I get a lot of alone time during the day.
BUT I do NOT get out of the house a lot.
So, when I desperately need "me" time, it generally involves getting away from the hearth for a bit!
When that need strikes, I {LOVE} to:
Go on a walk around the neighborhood!
Take my Kindle on a field trip to a coffee shop!

Today is Day 2, and the Topic is:
When I'm feeling down, to cheer myself up I {LOVE} to...

I'm generally a pretty upbeat gal, but every once in awhile living with RA tends to suck.
On those down-in-the-dumps occasions, to get myself out of my funk, I {LOVE} to:
Remind myself of all of the blessing in my life.

Talk to and snuggle with my hubby, who always cheers me up and makes me laugh.

Call up my sister to talk.

Read a good book.
 (I just started this one, but the rest of the series is PHENOMENAL!!!)

Watch TV:  especially anime, or Clean House, or Supernanny!

Play with the puppies, including their furry cousins!
 (The extra two in the left photo are Abby and Tiberius and Teddy is the poodle-mix in the right photo!)

Make a list of things around the house that need to be done, and DO them!
(The upstairs is done!!!)

And, of course, I blog!  Hooray for the catharsis of the written word!

Whew, all caught up!
Now to stay caught up for the rest of the challenge! 


  1. I love Supernanny! Always cheers me up. It's hilarious and, after all, life can't be THAT bad if you haven't ended up on that show yet ;) Hehe jk.

    Thanks for coming back for day two! :)

  2. I love your pups! and their relatives! :))))

    Thanks SO much for linking up to our challenge! See you tomorrow!!!


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