I did much better today than yesterday. Keep in mind that I don't count fresh fruit or veggies--those are HEALTHY and I'm not gonna count 'em! So with that clarified, here are my calories in for today:
Breakfast: 160 calories
fresh fruit
toast--70 calories
1/2 cup cottage cheese--90 calories

fresh fruit
2 pcs of bread--140 calories
1 tbsp Miracle Whip--40 calories
honey ham--70 calories (or there about)
1 slice Colby Jack--80 calories
Snack: 180 calories
1 pc bread--70 calories
1 tbsp Miracle Whip--40 calories
honey ham--70 calories (or there about)
1 slice Colby Jack--80 calories
And tonite I actually AM going to post my dinner!
Dinner: Subway Orchard Chicken Salad w/ spinach and tomatoes--360 calories
So that brings my daily total to (drum roll please!) 1020 calories!
That's MUCH better than yesterday, and actually helps make up for the potato salad and sloppy joe for dinner last night (yum!). I've also only drank water all day. Other than water, I might let myself have a glass of Sprite Zero in a bit--hooray for zero calories and zero caffeine!
I also went to the 6 pm water aerobics class tonight. Instructor Tanya is out of town, so Instructor Tiffany took for tonight. It was a good work out, though I had to really work to get my calves to loosen up! I definitely overdid it yesterday--my right calf in particular is all knotted. Still, it got better as we went. Tomorrow Instructor Tiffany teaches her 9 am class, so that will be three water aerobic classes in as many days this week! That's what I call getting back in the workout saddle!
Now, I just have to keep all of the working out and healthy eating up!
*Side note--tomorrow is my next Remicade infusion. Hooray. At least I have the camping trip this weekend to look forward to!
Maybe I should start counting calories as well...but the result would be devastating.... ;=)