Laundry? Nope. Dishes? Nope. Vacuuming? HELL nope.

Also exciting is that once I beat Twilight Princess, I have the new Final Fantasy game to embark upon! And if no more good quest games appear for the Wii between now and when I beat FF, I'll just go bakc an replay Okami! I love my video games!
On Sunday evening, we went to an actualy Roller Derby match! Our friend Julie skates on a team, but they don't play til later this month. The match was between the Texas Dolls and the Pussycats, and it was absolutely crazy to watch! It was highly entertaining: basically, each team has one skater trying to get throught the "pack", which is made up by members of both teams. Members of the pack are trying to help their skater break through first (so that she can score points) and hinder the opposing team's skater. At first, it started out civily, but then the girls started getting PISSED OFF. Fouls were everywhere--and one girl even headlocked another, threw her down, jumped on top of her and started beating the crap out of her! And the penalty "challenges" were half punitive, half raunchy (ie, girl leg wrestling, pillow fights, etc.). Oh, and all the girls were in either tights and short shorts or skirts, or tutus, with low-cut shirts. All in all, very entertaining, but very strange! Like a violent Rocky Horror Picture Show on wheels!

Fun fun fun :-).
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