Thursday, July 7, 2011

Menu Planning...Thursday? Yes, Thursday!

This week I swear that my head would have long since fallen off my shoulders if it hadn't been connected!
It's been wonderful in a lot of ways--family coming in is always fun!  On the other hand, it has been a very stressful couple of days, mostly because we had a water leak.  We're still in the process of working out what exactly happened and finding out who we need to talk to about repairs, but you can probably bet on a post about it in the coming weeks.  That said, most of the damage is over the garage, so at least our house is still liveable while we figure all this out.

In the meantime, my cousin Carol and her husband Calley and their boys are coming in next week!  It's going to be SO MUCH FUN having them here!!!  We always have a good time hanging out together.  Since we have about a week until they come, I figured I'd menu plan for the days in between!  We'll figure out next week once they get here and I can get input on what the boys like to eat!  So, without further ado, here's are menu plan for this short-week!  

Breakfast:  some combination of egg, toast, fruit and/or yogurt with cottage cheese with milk
Lunch:  turkey and cheese sandwich or PBJ for me, leftovers or buying for Bryan
THURSDAY:  Coconut Shrimp
FRIDAY:  Pita Pizzas
SATURDAY:  Bryan will be out of town, so I'll figure something out!
MONDAY: Pasta with Chicken and Creamy Walnut Sauce--a new recipe I'm REALLY excited about!


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