Monday, July 26, 2010

Not ME! Monday

"Not Me!" Monday is a blog ring started by MckMama!  It's a ton of fun!  I found it through Arena, over at The Nerd's Wife.  It's so much fun to share all the things I have *not* been doing, and read what everyone else has *not* been up to as well!

This past weekend was our annual River Cabin family reunion on the Llano!  It was wonderful to see everyone who came, and it is amazing how BIG all the kiddos are getting!

Speaking of, my baby fever did NOT get worse being around my 10 month old cousin Townes.  I definitely did NOT pick her up and carry her around, even though that's against my restrictions.  And I did NOT love every minute of it!  NOT ME!

My heart did NOT melt watching Bryan play with her too.  I also did NOT get warm and fuzzy feelings watching him rough house and throw some of the older kiddos while we were swimming in the river.  I did NOT day dream about seeing him at the River Cabin with our future little one.  NOT ME!

I did NOT leave Paddington off all weekend.  I did NOT use the excuse that we were taking random trips down to the river and swimming hole to justify leaving the brace off.  After all, it's NOT like I could have just taken it off and left it on my towel.  I would *never* use specious arguments to avoid following doctor's orders.  NOT ME!

Speaking of doctor's orders, I also did NOT drink two vodka-pomegranate drinks and definitely did NOT follow those up with three beers--all on the same day!  NOT ME!

I was NOT glad that Bryan remembered to pack the camera since I definitely did NOT completely forget about it until we were 5 hours down the road.  I would *never* leave on a weekend trip without my camera!  NOT ME!

I did NOT take an insane amount of pictures for the day and a half we were there.  I did NOT insist on people looking at the camera even when they were in the middle of eating or talking.  I am NOT that rabid of a photographer.  NOT ME!

That said, I did NOT forget to bring my camera down to the river.  I also did NOT forget to bring it to the swimming hole.  I am NOT mad at myself for missing some great picture opportunities, and I am NOT incredibly glad that my cousin Gina had her super-nice camera at both spots!  NOT ME!  At least someone got pictures!

I also did NOT eat waaay to much fried fish (and everything else!).  I made a commitment to myself to eat better and I would *never* throw that out the window because I'm faced with wonderful family favorites.  NOT ME!

Today, I am NOT watching a SuperNanny marathon instead of getting my house ready for our guest that's coming tomorrow.  I am NOT super-excited to see Allie after TWO YEARS!!!  I will NOT put off making the upstairs ready until tomorrow, and will NOT use finishing laundry and recovering from the 6 hour drive back as an excuse!  NOT ME!

Happy Monday everyone!


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